Friday, January 24, 2014

Top 10 Movies Of All Time

  1. Avatar
  2. Titanic 
  3. Marvel's the Avengers
  4. The Dark Knight
  5. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
  6. Star Wars
  7. The Dark Knight Rises
  8. Shrek 2 
  9. E.T.
  10. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Friday, January 17, 2014

Top 10 Tv Shows

  1. Grey's Anatomy
  2. How I Met Your Mother
  3. Arrow
  4. The Big Bang Theory
  5. Supernatural
  6. TeenWolf
  7. Pretty Little Liars
  8. Revenge
  9. Helix
  10. The Mentalist

Top 10 Viners

  1. Nash Greir
  2. King Bach
  3. Brittany FUrlan
  4. Jerome Jarre
  5. Marcus Johns
  6. Josh Peck 
  8. Nicholas Megalis
  9. Curtis Lepore
  10. Alx James

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Top 10 Songs

  1. Timber 
  2. Counting Stars
  3. Dark Horse
  4. Say Something
  5. Story Of My Life
  6. Let Her Go
  7. Royals 
  8. Roar
  9. Wake Me Up
  10. Demons

Top 10 Albums

1. Frozen "various artist"
2. Crash My Party "Luke Bryan"
3. Prism "Katy Perry"
4. Native "one republic"
5. Now That Is What I Call Music 48 "various artist"
6. Midnight Memories "One Direction"
7. Journals "Justin Bieber"
8. Night Visions "Imagine Dragons"
9. Pure Heroine "Lorde"
10. True "Avicil"

Top 10 Apps

1. flipagram
2.rayman jungle run
4.quip up the
5.facebook messenger
7.12 days of gifts
9.candy crush
10. facebook
Daily people are using social media such as i tunes, youtube, app store, vine, instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc. it is my job to inform what are the top 10 of everything daily.